On a Super Great Day (Blog #766)

Today has been super great. Super great, I say. This afternoon I had a dance lesson with the couple I worked with yesterday. Things are coming together. Slowly, but they’re coming together. What more can you ask for? Today my client (the guy) said, “If I’m going to put my money into this, I’m going to take it seriously. That means I’m going to practice, and I’m going to come back for more lessons.” Oh my god, talk about a dream client. I said, “I wish all my students had this attitude.” Unfortunately, so many people just dabble.

After my lesson, I came back to where I’m house sitting, changed clothes, then went to the gym. The good news is that I can definitely see improvement in the strength of my knee. The bad news is that I apparently re-irritated my ankle last night while going up and down my friend’s stairs a hundred times. So I didn’t do any jumping today. I told myself, “Don’t push, Marcus. Let your body heal. They’ll be plenty of time for jumping later.”

I left the gym early to help my aunt–her freezer in her garage apparently quick working, and everything in it had gone bad. Y’all, her entire garage smelled awful. Worse than my arm pits. But we got everything thrown away and cleaned up, so that’s good.

This evening my friends Justin and Ashley came to where I’m house sitting, and we spent several hours on my friend’s porch, chatting, enjoying the weather, listening to music. My friend has a sound system with speakers outside, so I just hit play on the CD changer before Justin and Ashley came over. And whereas I didn’t know what to expect, I’ve ended up enjoying over five hours of surprise music–Eric Clapton, Pink Floyd, John Mayer, you name it. Now it’s midnight, and Justin and Ashley have left, but I’m still outside, sitting on the porch swing, grooving, hoping the night will never end.

A few hours ago, after a couple of beers, I got hungry, so I put a pizza in the oven. (Justin and Ashley had already eaten.) And whereas I’m not normally fabulous at cooking, this project turned out well. (I didn’t put the round piece of cardboard in the oven like I did last time. You live, you learn.) But when it came time to take the pizza out and start eating it, I couldn’t find a pizza cutter. So I tried to slice the damn thing with a knife. Have you ever tried to do this? Talk about bullshit. It doesn’t work. You might as well try to push a wet noodle. Maybe it was because I was half-drunk, but I just couldn’t figure it out. Finally I got frustrated and ended up using my hands and tearing the pizza in half. Then I folded that in half and ate it like a sandwich. (It was delicious.) I felt like a Neanderthal.

Justin said I was being resourceful.

He should go into politics. He always knows how to spin something.

There are a few things I do every day, er, almost every day–blog, read, meditate (or otherwise concentrate on relaxing/healing). With the exception of writing now, I haven’t done any of this today. Part of me is thinking that I need to, as if the world is going to stop spinning if I don’t read ten pages in my latest self-help book and answer four questions at the end of the chapter. Clearly that’s not true. The world is not going to stop spinning, least of all because of something I do or don’t do. So, believe it or not, I’m giving myself permission to finish this blog and call it a day without completing all of my routines. Rather, I plan to stay here on this porch and listen to the crickets, the Bel Airs, and the occasional train that passes nearby. I’m going to finish my beer. Then I’m going to crawl in bed, pass out, and (hopefully) wake up ready for the week ahead.

Draw your own profound conclusions.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Boundaries are about starting small, enjoying initial successes, and practicing until you get your relationships like you want them. 
